fredag 25. september 2009

February 17th

Found on weheartit

Sometimes you ignore things that can be painful. You know something is true but you just don’t think about it. You keep it hidden behind your consciousness, tucked away with dreams. Secretly you know what is true it’s just that you prefer the lie. That evening we all did that. We all forgot. We all lived in the lie that it would continue forever. We all thought that the night would never die, that morning would just be a laugh and the sun would turn out to be paper mache and candy would scatter when Bill threw a chair at it. I don’t regret it. I don’t think anyone of us did. We deserved it. We deserved one last laugh. One last time.

onsdag 23. september 2009

Movie wednesday: Dead Man

Found on weheartit
Johnny Depp as William Blake, Dead Man, 1995

I have an obsession, like I'm sure many others, with Johnny Depp. He is not only perfect eye-candy, he is also one of the best skilled actors out there to date. His movie choices is often met by his wish to work with only the best whether it is actor, director (Tim Burton), or script.

Watching Dead Man some days ago, although I have watched it before, made me realize just how much I love this film. The scenography is amazing, each scene has it's own magic. I love how every still of the movie could be a masterpiece on it's own.

Now I desperately crave a faux fur coat for some reason...